Week Three: Eight ways to win your heart.

Hmmm. Hee. Pano nga ba? :)

1. Surprise visits/treats (Yes, I love surprises :P)
2. Constant communication
3. Be malambing and learn how to say sorry when you know you're wrong.
4. Fun dates (Well-planned or spontaneous, doesn't really matter.)
5. Cheesy but sincere love letters/SMS/hirits :P
6. Be sensitive!
7. Never stop being sweet. Efforts, no matter how small, are always appreciated. :)
8. Just be yourself! :)

Hey you, let this be a constant reminder. Haha. Win my heart over and over again :)

Eat Pray Love

Woot. Got a free weekend and less busy days ahead (assuming!) so I have time to blog! :)

Hmmm. So yesterday did not start out so very well but I guess it's true what they say, it can flip 180 towards the end. And it did! :) Was bound to Ortigas yesterday as J has a "hidden" agenda to visit some shop in Rustan's Shang and to eat at the raved-about Charlie's Grind and Grill.

We were on a budget date (kuno!) but we (or I) was not able to resist the temptation to watch a movie! Been movie-deprived for the past weeks and we need to catch up :P We were supposed to watch Wall Street over Charlie St. Cloud but there's Eat Pray Love! So many movies, so little time! :)) So we decided to watch the latter, and I said I don't want to cry.

I haven't read the book so I just found out the story yesterday. It's about a woman (Liz ~ and I just googled and found out that this is a true story! Sarap!) who one day lost her passion to live after several failed relationships, so she set out on an incredible journey to find balance in her life, in herself. She went to Italy, India and Indonesia and did just that - eat, pray and love. She met a lot of people along the way and the movie chronicles those encounters that led her to find inner peace within herself and the (last) love of her life. Such an inspiring story indeed - I suddenly want to read the book! :)

I don't know why but I way crying almost all throughout the movie! Err, toldya I'm such a tearjerker. I think it's partly because too much not-so-good stuff happened yesterday that I just needed an avenue to cry and the cinema is a perfect place and the movie, the perfect excuse. :|

But there were really also touching scenes that made my tear glands more productive than usual. I guess the concept of being alone just scared the shit out of me. I don't want to wake up one day and realize lo sono solo. I hope I never will be.

Some screen caps from the movie:

One day, I will savor a cup or two of authentic Italian gelatto
and the sweetness of doing nothing in Italy!
Not alone, hopefully. :)

And a whole order of pizza too! I love this part where Liz
told her friend to not be worried about her size/weight because
guys don't really care what size you are. As long as they have
a naked lady in front of them, it's like they've hit jackpot already :))

Btw, also loved the part where Liz is eyeing a sexy nightwear and her friend told her to get it. Then she asked: "For whom?" then the reply was..."For you."
Yeah right! You don't need a man for that. But...

"To lose balance sometimes for love is part of living a balanced life."

Week Two: Nine things about yourself

The 10-day blogging challenge is not really enough to keep me blogging. BOOO! So yeah, I'm changing the title to 10-week challenge! :)) Keeping a day job and a few sidelines is not easy at all! Whew. Gotta make a living!

Last week was plain stressful, or probably it was just the monthly hormones making me restless. Been counting the days til the weekend so I can finally be undisturbed and at peace (with the other half, of course. Hello if you're reading this! ;P) Went on a day trip to Tagaytay and it sure was refreshing to breathe in some cold semi-unpolluted air! Brought home a box of Bag of Beans Blueberry cheesecake and everybody at home loved it (partly because it's free!) :))

I'm back to my senses again. I'm on work mode and been doing some rackets at night (it's not what you're thinking) to sustain my wanderlust! Hello Singapore, see you in a month! :D

Sooo. Nobody really cares but here's nine things about me.

1. I'm left-right confused (and a semi-doork).
My friend likes to call it stupidity but it's actually one of the symptoms of dyslexia. So yeah probably I can say I'm 10% dyslexic?? Haha. It takes me a (long) moment to distinguish left from right. I can point though! While push and pull is easier to think about... well, I still think about it. So if it's a matter of life and death, "Left or right?" is not a proper thing to ask me. Just a warning :)

2. I am a self-diagnosed bipolar.
I can switch moods in a split second! Crazy annoying, J thinks. Err but then again, I believe that people around me are responsible for my mood switch. If they're making me happy, then I'm happy. If they suddenly ruin my day, of course it'll also ruin my smiling facade. I'm not like PNoy ~ sugarcoating every emotion with a smile :))

3. I cry... a lot!
Gosh, I am so emotional you have no idea! I can't tell you how many movies I've cried over already - even the ones you're not supposed to cry. (My Sister's Keeper is definitely NOT one of them!)

4. I assume the good in other people.
Nuff said! Good vibes!

5. I loathe waiting.
Loathe is so strong of a term and yes, that's what I feel about waiting. I'd rather walk than be stuck in traffic for hours not knowing why it is traffic. I want to know progress.

6. I used to have cynophobia.
In layman's term, dog phobia. I don't know how what when where how it dissolved completely... Oh, I know, we bought a dog! (Now there's 3 of them!) Realization: To conquer your fear, you must face it. That's the only solution. But cockroaches? That's another story.

7. I am an 8-hour sleeper.
They say as you grow older, your body requires you to sleep less. I wonder when that time will be? Because up to now, I make sure I sleep at least 8 hours a day! (Well, I don't always get 8, so sometimes, 7 is enough.) I'm all for late night happenings as long as I get my sleep!

8. I'm a cheapskate.
Harhar! Or maybe it's practicality :)) Never really mustered to shell out a thousand bucks for a shirt or a piece of clothing with tracing-paper-thin material. (Shoes are another story though.) I suddenly missed shopping in Divi ~ a haven for cheapskates. :))

9. It never crossed my mind to work/live outside of the country.
Brain drain not working! I don't know why but it never really crossed my mind. Hmmm maybe because my mind's telling me that my body can only take as much cold. :))

Okay, thereja go! Week three... next week! ;))