4 Months Later... (Part 2)

So, I woke up last June 7 with sun-burnt, flaky, nognog brown skin when an unexpected text came from a then-potential employer whom I haven't heard from over the weekend because I was away in a far-flung deserted island. I was scheduled for a job interview when I was away, but obviously, can't make it so I pleaded if I we can reschedule it to Monday instead. Yes, I was still employed but I figured it wouldn't hurt if I extended my "unofficial leave" for one more day, just to explore other opportunities. If it works out for me, then good. If not, then I still have a job to come back to.

So, I got ready and put my best foot forward. Never mind the aching back which hurts even more every time it comes contact with my corporate attire. I went in at 1... and after around 7 grueling hours of waiting, tests, 4 round of interviews and severe hunger pangs... I made it! I made it to my second job! :) I never expected that I would be presented an offer sheet, right then and there, with an empty stomach and malfunctioning brain, at roughly 9pm. It was a bad time to make a such a big decision, but it would be plain stupid to refuse such offer. Not much big bucks involved, but this is the industry where I really see myself working... and growing ~the beauty industry. So that night, I took the risk and signed, without anybody's consent, not even my parents'.

High risks = high returns. Holds true not only in financial decisions.

During my first week, I was already exposed to a lot of things. Press parties, celebrity sightings, location shoots and all. I am constantly mobile - constantly learning, developing. Little by little, my tasks started to grow. People I work with were betting how long I will last with the company. Apparently, only a little can stay for too long. But it has been 2 months since, and I am nothing but happy. (I think I'm one of the few in the office who actually enjoys my work. Well, not all the time, because there are downsides too) Yes, I still get to drag myself to work everyday - but not that kind of dragging I did before. (I am a sleeper so I find it hard not to drag myself to wake up!) And man, two months did fly by so swiftly - unlike that one month I spent with my previous employer. (It felt like ages!) So they say, time flies when you're having fun.

I love this job. I want to stay in this job. I hope nothing will keep me from doing so, not even screams from the big boss.

4 months and a lot has changed. One thing hasn't, I'm still confused with left and right.


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